Friday, February 9, 2007

New Budget Proposal: Let the Poor Starve and Freeze

"The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities said the budget “would essentially further enrich the most well-off at other Americans’ expense.” Those with incomes over $1 million annually “would get tax cuts averaging $160,000 a year,” its statement said.

The CBPP statement continued, “According to the administration’s own figures, the number of children in low-income families who receive child care assistance would be cut by 300,000 between 2006 and 2010. The number of children in Head Start also would be cut as the funding for the program would be sliced $100 million below the 2007 level in the House-passed Continuing Resolution.”

Marie Antoinette advised the poor to “eat cake.” Bush goes her one better. He calls for termination of a program that provides a bag of surplus food commodities at a cost of $20 per bag to 440,000 low-income seniors. The flour, rice, powdered milk, etc., is aimed at keeping these seniors from running out of food toward the end of each month.

At the same time he proposes sharp cuts in the Low Income Energy Assistance Program. “These poor elderly individuals would face cuts in both food assistance and in help paying for their heating bills at the same time,” the CBPP statement charges.

In other words: Let the poor starve and let them also freeze."
from February 10, 2007

Here's an idea. Let's make a poor guy president next time. I'm certain the military industrial complex and the billionaires would be way down on the government handout list.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

25 Most Corrupt Government Welfare Queens

On the US taxpayers dollar. Wake up sheeple.

Anti American Neocon Norquist Leaves Sinkng Ship¤tPage=all

"Everything the advocates of war said would happen hasn't happened," says the president of Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist, an influential conservative who backed the Iraq invasion. "And all the things the critics said would happen have happened. [The president's neoconservative advisers] are effectively saying, 'Invade Iran. Then everyone will see how smart we are.' But after you've lost x number of times at the roulette wheel, do you double-down?"

Cowards. All of them.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

AEI Pimping for Anti Warming "Scientists"

"On Friday, The Guardian reported that the American Enterprise Institute — which has received more than $1.6 million from ExxonMobil — was offering to pay global warming skeptics to speak out in an effort to push back on the new IPCC climate change study. The IPCC report states that it is “very likely” that man-made greenhouse gases were the main cause of the Earth’s recent warming trend."

Like the ideologies they fight and marginalize, the neocons are even more destructive and conspiracy-minded in their actions. What makes them more dangerous are the infinite resources at their disposal- money, politicians, multinational conglomerates and media control, all used to "turd polish" the group's radical corporate agenda.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Porpoise Finds "Bomb" in Keys Aquatic Park

"According to Key West cops, deputies were called to the Theater of The Sea Wednesday morning when a porpoise brought to the surface of a training pool a "suspected bomb." After the aquatic park's 15 visitors and employees were evacuated, bomb technician Detective Jason Madnick evaluated the supposed explosive, according to a Monroe County Sheriff's Office report. Madnick determined that the item was a baby food-sized glass jar containing metal particles and a "hard wax substance." The jar was wrapped in what appeared to be silicone and had a small black wire exposed through its top. The item, pictured in the below police evidence photo, was removed from the facility by Madnick, who will examine it further. The report does not identify the porpoise who unearthed the jar, nor whether the friendly sea creature was involved in a guerilla marketing campaign for Gerber." February 1, 2007

Neocon Adelman Gives Iraq War Until July 4th

"This week, at a Denver City Club luncheon, Adelman said he sees the light at the end of the tunnel:

Adelman is not optimistic of a positive outcome to the American occupation of Iraq. … He said if by July 4th there is no progress made, “then I will say it is hopeless.”

Let's hold the losers to their words. Adleman, come over to the winning team with Fukuyama et. al.

The Neocon Bankruptcy: "Belief Tanks" as Public Policy

By Larry Beinhart, February 3, 2007

"The Neo-cons - and not just the Neo-cons, the whole right wing movement - grew up inside a very sheltered world. One built largely by New Deal liberals. Within it, freedom, both social freedom and economic freedom, could exist comfortably cushioned by the security of a well run and flexible state. This is similar to the way that middle class and upper middle class children can indulge in all sorts of pleasures and excesses, in mildly illegal activities and in economically high risk fields like the arts and being entrepreneurs, choices that can be disastrous for poor and minority kids. There is always a certain percentage of such privileged children that have nothing but contempt and even hatred toward their parents and their social group. They don't understand how their privileges made their life possible. It's not that they take it for granted, it's invisible to them."

Fantastic summary of the ethically bankrupt neocons who want to drown the government in a bathtub while enjoying all the privileges afforded them by the same society they wish to decimate.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Making NEW Black History in South Florida!,0,4797275.story?coll=sfla-news-broward

"A 25-year-old vo-tech student upset that his school wasn't teaching about black history stabbed an assistant principal and two security guards with a screwdriver on Friday when they tried to escort him off campus, officials said. Coconut Creek Police arrested the Atlantic Technical Center student, identified as Kevin Mair, of Plantation, said agency spokesman Anthony Avello. He will be charged with multiple counts of aggravated battery, authorities said."

For more adsurdity check out the Reader Comments. It's loaded with racial gems of all colors.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Iraqi Generals Suspected in Trojan Horse Attack

Citing Pentagon officials, Fox News Channel is reporting that two Iraqi generals are suspected of complicity in a Jan. 20 attack in Karbala, Iraq that killed five US troops. "There are 2 senior Iraq generals that US officials say are now suspect of involvement in an attack against American forces in Karbala on Jan. 20th," a Fox News host reported on air. "A number of people were killed. These gunmen apparently stormed an Iraqi security dressed like American soldiers and driving SUVs. So again, US officials are saying that 2 senior are suspected of taking part in an insurgent attack that killed 5 American soldiers." The fake US military convoy that kidnapped and killed 5 soldiers had previously been blamed on Iranian elements."

Gets fishier every second.