Thursday, November 8, 2007

AT&T Whistleblower Connected Big Brother Machine

..."My job was to connect circuits into the splitter device which was hard-wired to the secret room," said Klein. "And effectively, the splitter copied the entire data stream of those internet cables into the secret room -- and we're talking about phone conversations, email web browsing, everything that goes across the internet."

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Last Supper in Detail

The clearly feminine figure to the left of Christ is NOT John the Baptist

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Iran EFP Story Quickly Crumbles Under Scrutiny

Explosive charge blows up in US's face
By Gareth Porter
"...The explosive expert who claimed at the February briefing that EFPs could only be made in Iran was then made available to the New York Times to explain away the new find. Major Marty Weber now backed down from his earlier statement and admitted that there were "copy cat" EFPs being machined in Iraq that looked identical to those allegedly made in Iran to the untrained eye."

Repeat a lie long enough and it becomes truth.

Friday, October 26, 2007

"Look up, Hannah" The Greatest Film Speech in History

Charlie Chaplin, 1938, The Great Dictator. Worth a listen now more than ever.

"You don't hate. Only the unloved hate. The unloved and the unnatural."

Higher Learning and Truth Now Dangerous to America

Top ten most dangerous political institutions in America according to Family Security Matters (laughing!) contributing editor Jason Rantz:

10) ThinkProgress
9) Muslim Student Association
8) CodePINK
7) American Civil Liberties Union, National
6) Family Research Council
5) Center for American Progress
4) League of the South
2) Universities and Colleges
1) Media Matters for America

Worth a read if only to examine the highly specious sources he uses for reference. Maybe someone should question his time in (2. Universities and Colleges) college??? Any indoctrination or loyalty oaths sworn to anti-American influences in the dorms, Jason?

Point Blank Armor Founder Arrested,0,2542189.story

"David H. Brooks, 53, the founder and former CEO of DHB Industries, which relocated its home office from New York to Pompano Beach in July 2006, was the highest-paid head of a public company on Long Island in 2004, making $2.7 million in salary and bonuses, plus tens of millions of dollars in stock options."

More turds floating south.

FEMA Meets the Press, Which Happens To Be...FEMA

"Of course, that could be because the questions were asked by FEMA staffers playing reporters. We're told the questions were asked by Cindy Taylor, FEMA's deputy director of external affairs, and by "Mike" Widomski, the deputy director of public affairs. Director of External Affairs John "Pat" Philbin asked a question, and another came, we understand, from someone who sounds like press aide Ali Kiri."

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Xenophobia or Cleverness?

Deerfield Beach, FL,0,3823295.story

I am requesting that [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] come into our building and do a door to door documentation of everyone's legal status in this country ... If you do not make yourselves available with your documentation, I will allow authorities to do whatever they deem necessary, including forcible entry into the unit," wrote Lilyann Ferrara, in a letter circulated Oct. 8 among tenants, about 70 percent of whom are Brazilian.

After some tenants called their lawyers and denounced the letter, Ferrara abruptly resigned Oct. 14, citing health problems. At an emergency meeting Thursday, board members voted in a new president.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Lies, Damn Lies, and Lies that Unleash Hell

By Jason Miller


Each day untold millions of US Americans unwittingly immerse themselves in an intellectual, social, cultural, economic, political and spiritual cesspool so rancid and toxic that even microbes with the most voracious appetites for human waste, vomit, and inanimate flesh would shun this infinitely repulsive sewer.

Many highly qualified and intelligent researchers, analysts, and authors have written books, essays, and reports documenting the astounding multitude and variety of crimes committed by the United States throughout its history. Since a nation is an entity comprised of numerous elements and dynamics, we can’t simply blame the government, the Republicans, the Religious Right, the Democrats, George Bush, Bill Clinton, or any one particular component. Therefore, nearly all US Americans bear a degree of responsibility. Obviously, some (i.e. Bush and Cheney) are far more culpable than others because they wield such tremendous power and act with a conscienceless, cynical awareness of the suffering they are inflicting on the Earth and its sentient inhabitants.

Since only about 4% of the population shares Bush’s sociopathic inability to experience empathy or guilt, what is this powerful siren call that motivates so many inherently decent human beings to repeatedly lacerate their souls upon the jagged rocks of complicity in acts that inflict unnecessary suffering upon billions of humans and animals?

How did we become a statistical aberration to the extent that we are a nation of resource-rich, technologically-advanced, mean-spirited, intellectually-stunted moral barbarians where a significant percentage of the population behaves as sociopaths by directly supporting or apathetically ignoring the evils in which they are complicit?

Is it something in our water? Are we genetic misfits? Does our population represent the vanguard of the next step in humanity’s moral “evolution”?

Sarcasm aside, the underlying cause of our depravity is our false, skewed and fractured consciousness which our malignant system begins hammering into our minds as we draw our first breath. This relentless psychological assault persists until we take our final gasp of air.

Nearly unshakeable illusions and delusions enable a relative handful of ruthless corporations and plutocrats to manipulate nearly 300 million people into helping them pursue their objective of world domination and exploitation, as out-lined in the Project for the New American Century.

Let’s deconstruct but a few examples of the nearly innumerable strands in the tangled web of pernicious lies comprising our false consciousness:

The Founding Fathers were noble, saint-like champions of the “common” people who forged a nation affording freedom and equality for all.

Our founders were mostly aristocrats who formed a constitutional republic of, by and for land-owning white males. Native Americans, the poor, and women were excluded. Chattel slavery was recognized as a legal enterprise. Many of our revered founders advocated and facilitated the Native American Genocide in the interest of expanding our borders.

Greed and selfishness are virtues.

Capitalism, which has evolved into its utterly reprehensible advanced stages here in the United States, is intellectually buttressed by the ridiculous notion that people acting on two of the most despicable traits of humanity, greed and selfishness, will enhance the commonweal. The current state of affairs in the United States demonstrates otherwise. Despite the slight doses of socialism which have mitigated the abject suffering inflicted by relatively unfettered capitalism during the Gilded Age, and despite the fact that we are the wealthiest nation in the history of humanity, there are still over a million homeless human beings, millions experience hunger and food insecurity, nearly fifty million lack a viable means to obtain our outrageously expensive medical care, our leading indicators of health are amongst the lowest of industrialized nations, urban public school systems are in a state of crisis and decay, and, as Katrina so clearly indicated, we are content to spend most of our hard-earned tax dollars on industrialized murder, blame victims, and leave the suffering to die, even here at home.

America is the land of opportunity.

Are many of us better off than most of the people on the planet? In a material sense, yes. However, bear in mind that the principal reasons many US Americans enjoy a degree of prosperity is that we stole a large chunk of a resource-rich continent (which is geographically situated in a way that makes a mass invasion nearly impossible), and that we built much of our prosperous economy on the backs of black slaves. Rapacious capitalism has enabled us to economically colonize and exploit many nations in the developing world, which explains the utterly nauseating gluttony we exhibit by representing 5% of the world’s population and consuming 25% of its resources. Oink, oink!

Is there economic upward mobility in our society? Yes. Yet rags to riches stories are extremely rare. Aristocratic dynasties are alive and well in the United States. One need look no further than George W. Bush or Paris Hilton to recognize that we are far from being the meritocracy that media shills like Oprah would have us believe. Beloved Oprah is ostensibly a benign and benevolent self-made billionaire emblematic of the “boundless opportunities” in the US. Certainly there is merit to her philanthropy. However, she erases her positive contributions many times over by promoting the notion that if a black woman like her can make it, anyone can. (And by the way, you who haven’t “made it” like Oprah, what the hell is wrong with you?) Her glowing endorsement of The Secret and its wholesale promotion of employing “magical thinking” to attain the “American Dream” was beyond the pale.

America saved the world from fascism during World War II

Let’s set the record straight here. A number of large US corporations and dynastic plutocrats, including Bush 43’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, made significant financial contributions to the Nazi cause before the Trading with the Enemy Act became law in 1942. We also need to remember that the United States refused to lift a finger to help the poor and working class in Spain as they fought to preserve their democratically-elected government from the fascist onslaught of Franco, the Church, and the moneyed elite.

We lost about 500,000 people battling fascist imperialist forces in World War II. Russia sacrificed 20 million human beings. Were it not for Russia, we would probably be speaking German right now.

Besides, the United States is now in the prefigurements of fascism. We are becoming the very threat from which we allegedly saved the world.

America needs to maintain its leviathan military industrial complex to ensure its security and to spread freedom and democracy

The United States spends more money on “defense” each year than the rest of the world combined. With the vast arsenal of weaponry we possess, it is beyond farcical to suggest that our security is seriously threatened at the existential level.

We maintain military bases in 130 countries. We invaded Iraq and Afghanistan preemptively (which is a war crime for which we hanged Nazis). Yet we tenaciously strive to perpetuate the inane assertion that we are not an empire. Capitalism demands perpetual growth, meaning capitalist nations inevitably engage in imperialism to expand their markets, enhance their profits, and find cheaper wage slaves. We utilize the legions of the empire to spread the misery of “free markets,” consumerism, exploitation, and environmental rape.

America is a Christian nation.

While many argue endlessly over the separation of church and state, or whether or not the United States was founded as a Christian nation, an equally profound question receives far too little attention.

What is the nature of the Christianity that our nation, in which a large number of denizens label themselves as Christians, collectively manifests?

Our rigid Puritanical roots still maintain a tenacious grip on our psyches. This impedes our capacity to overtly experience life’s carnal, sensual pleasures without experiencing guilt at violating taboos. Denying ourselves reasonable indulgence triggers the bacchanalian excesses that lead to rampant addiction to pornography, drugs, and alcohol.

The isolation, rage, and spiritual emptiness engendered by our consumerist, narcissistic, and violence-obsessed culture catalyze events like the ones at Columbine and Virginia Tech. With lamentations and hand-wringing, the mainstream media repeatedly expresses its utter astonishment when people snap to such an extent. After all, human beings living in a spiritually vacuous, hyper competitive environment have an infinite capacity to absorb insults, loneliness, rejection, exclusion, bullying, and hatred without reacting violently, don’t they?

One of the basic principles Christ espoused was to practice the Golden Rule. Whoops. Slaughtering millions of human beings throughout our history leaves us well short of the mark on that one.

Perhaps the most inspiring spiritual wisdom the Jewish carpenter conveyed to humanity came in the form of the Beatitudes. How do we manifest them in the United States?

The poor in spirit are considered to be impotent and irrelevant in a culture that thrives on egoism and self-promotion.

Those who mourn over moral injuries and tragedies are instructed to “get over it,” take some pills to mask the pain, and “move on”.

The meek are crushed by aggressive, acquisitive mobs.

Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness find that their efforts to satisfy, slake or quench are in vain as they wander a seemingly endless spiritual wasteland.

The merciful are considered weak and fall prey to those who abuse their compassion for their own personal gain.

The pure in heart are exploited as a reward for their decency.

The peacemakers are ridiculed as idealists, cowards, and collaborators with the latest enemy our plutocracy has created to justify its endless wars.

Despite the brutal nature and seemingly insurmountable power of this juggernaut of a nation, there is still hope for humanity and the world. While the opulent class, military careerists, fundamentalist Christian leadership, corporatists, AIPAC, “elected” officials, and the prostitutes in the corporate-dominated media propagate a sociopathic agenda through maintaining the simulacrum of the United States as the “leader of the free world,” there is abundant evidence of an increasing awareness of their perfidy and malevolence. Simmering beneath the surface for years, moral outrage now threatens to reach full boil thanks to the increased awareness facilitated by the Internet.

The people of the United States are not freaks or anomalies. 96% of us have a conscience and can act empathetically. It is simply a matter of time, and perhaps a few more doses of pain, before reality obliterates what is left of the fiction we have been inculcated to embrace as the United States of America.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Coral Ridge to host bigots/homophobes. Coulter, Perkins, etc.


Reclaiming America for Christ, the annual convention for far-right Christian "conservatives" will be held at Coral Ridge Ministries in Ft. Lauderdale March 2-3. CEO Dr. D. James Kennedy will not be attending the events after suffering a heart attack in December.


It should be a banner weekend for gay outcall services and bath houses.

Friday, February 9, 2007

New Budget Proposal: Let the Poor Starve and Freeze

"The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities said the budget “would essentially further enrich the most well-off at other Americans’ expense.” Those with incomes over $1 million annually “would get tax cuts averaging $160,000 a year,” its statement said.

The CBPP statement continued, “According to the administration’s own figures, the number of children in low-income families who receive child care assistance would be cut by 300,000 between 2006 and 2010. The number of children in Head Start also would be cut as the funding for the program would be sliced $100 million below the 2007 level in the House-passed Continuing Resolution.”

Marie Antoinette advised the poor to “eat cake.” Bush goes her one better. He calls for termination of a program that provides a bag of surplus food commodities at a cost of $20 per bag to 440,000 low-income seniors. The flour, rice, powdered milk, etc., is aimed at keeping these seniors from running out of food toward the end of each month.

At the same time he proposes sharp cuts in the Low Income Energy Assistance Program. “These poor elderly individuals would face cuts in both food assistance and in help paying for their heating bills at the same time,” the CBPP statement charges.

In other words: Let the poor starve and let them also freeze."
from February 10, 2007

Here's an idea. Let's make a poor guy president next time. I'm certain the military industrial complex and the billionaires would be way down on the government handout list.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

25 Most Corrupt Government Welfare Queens

On the US taxpayers dollar. Wake up sheeple.

Anti American Neocon Norquist Leaves Sinkng Ship¤tPage=all

"Everything the advocates of war said would happen hasn't happened," says the president of Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist, an influential conservative who backed the Iraq invasion. "And all the things the critics said would happen have happened. [The president's neoconservative advisers] are effectively saying, 'Invade Iran. Then everyone will see how smart we are.' But after you've lost x number of times at the roulette wheel, do you double-down?"

Cowards. All of them.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

AEI Pimping for Anti Warming "Scientists"

"On Friday, The Guardian reported that the American Enterprise Institute — which has received more than $1.6 million from ExxonMobil — was offering to pay global warming skeptics to speak out in an effort to push back on the new IPCC climate change study. The IPCC report states that it is “very likely” that man-made greenhouse gases were the main cause of the Earth’s recent warming trend."

Like the ideologies they fight and marginalize, the neocons are even more destructive and conspiracy-minded in their actions. What makes them more dangerous are the infinite resources at their disposal- money, politicians, multinational conglomerates and media control, all used to "turd polish" the group's radical corporate agenda.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Porpoise Finds "Bomb" in Keys Aquatic Park

"According to Key West cops, deputies were called to the Theater of The Sea Wednesday morning when a porpoise brought to the surface of a training pool a "suspected bomb." After the aquatic park's 15 visitors and employees were evacuated, bomb technician Detective Jason Madnick evaluated the supposed explosive, according to a Monroe County Sheriff's Office report. Madnick determined that the item was a baby food-sized glass jar containing metal particles and a "hard wax substance." The jar was wrapped in what appeared to be silicone and had a small black wire exposed through its top. The item, pictured in the below police evidence photo, was removed from the facility by Madnick, who will examine it further. The report does not identify the porpoise who unearthed the jar, nor whether the friendly sea creature was involved in a guerilla marketing campaign for Gerber." February 1, 2007

Neocon Adelman Gives Iraq War Until July 4th

"This week, at a Denver City Club luncheon, Adelman said he sees the light at the end of the tunnel:

Adelman is not optimistic of a positive outcome to the American occupation of Iraq. … He said if by July 4th there is no progress made, “then I will say it is hopeless.”

Let's hold the losers to their words. Adleman, come over to the winning team with Fukuyama et. al.

The Neocon Bankruptcy: "Belief Tanks" as Public Policy

By Larry Beinhart, February 3, 2007

"The Neo-cons - and not just the Neo-cons, the whole right wing movement - grew up inside a very sheltered world. One built largely by New Deal liberals. Within it, freedom, both social freedom and economic freedom, could exist comfortably cushioned by the security of a well run and flexible state. This is similar to the way that middle class and upper middle class children can indulge in all sorts of pleasures and excesses, in mildly illegal activities and in economically high risk fields like the arts and being entrepreneurs, choices that can be disastrous for poor and minority kids. There is always a certain percentage of such privileged children that have nothing but contempt and even hatred toward their parents and their social group. They don't understand how their privileges made their life possible. It's not that they take it for granted, it's invisible to them."

Fantastic summary of the ethically bankrupt neocons who want to drown the government in a bathtub while enjoying all the privileges afforded them by the same society they wish to decimate.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Making NEW Black History in South Florida!,0,4797275.story?coll=sfla-news-broward

"A 25-year-old vo-tech student upset that his school wasn't teaching about black history stabbed an assistant principal and two security guards with a screwdriver on Friday when they tried to escort him off campus, officials said. Coconut Creek Police arrested the Atlantic Technical Center student, identified as Kevin Mair, of Plantation, said agency spokesman Anthony Avello. He will be charged with multiple counts of aggravated battery, authorities said."

For more adsurdity check out the Reader Comments. It's loaded with racial gems of all colors.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Iraqi Generals Suspected in Trojan Horse Attack

Citing Pentagon officials, Fox News Channel is reporting that two Iraqi generals are suspected of complicity in a Jan. 20 attack in Karbala, Iraq that killed five US troops. "There are 2 senior Iraq generals that US officials say are now suspect of involvement in an attack against American forces in Karbala on Jan. 20th," a Fox News host reported on air. "A number of people were killed. These gunmen apparently stormed an Iraqi security dressed like American soldiers and driving SUVs. So again, US officials are saying that 2 senior are suspected of taking part in an insurgent attack that killed 5 American soldiers." The fake US military convoy that kidnapped and killed 5 soldiers had previously been blamed on Iranian elements."

Gets fishier every second.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

South Florida To Get Voting Paper Trail!

Thank you Representative Wexler and Governor Crist!,0,7995759.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines

"Gov. Charlie Crist wants to scrap the controversial touch-screen voting machines used in Broward, Palm Beach and 13 other counties and replace them with optical scanners that would count paper ballots. "It's important to make sure people have confidence in our voting system. We all remember 2000. That's why this issue is so important. What could be more important to democracy than ensuring the integrity of our elective process? It's at the very foundation of it all. You go to an ATM machine, you get some kind of a record. You go to the gas station, you get a record. If there's a need for a recount, it's important to have something to count," the governor said Wednesday morning at a gathering of Florida newspaper editors and reporters."

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

CNN Reports Iran behind Karbala "Trojan Horse" Attack

"The Pentagon is investigating whether a recent attack on a military compound in Karbalawas carried out by Iranians or Iranian-trained operatives, two officials from separate U.S. government agencies said. "People are looking at it seriously," one of the officials said. That official added the Iranian connection was a leading theory in the investigation into the January 20 attack that killed five soldiers. The second official said: "We believe it's possible the executors of the attack were Iranian or Iranian-trained." Five U.S. soldiers were killed in the sophisticated attack by men wearing U.S.-style uniforms, according to U.S. military reports.",8599,1583523,00.html?cnn=yes

"Some Iraqis speculate that the IRGC has already started a campaign of revenge with the killing of five American soldiers in Karbala on Jan. 20, nine days after the arrest of the IRGC members in Erbil. As the logic of the rumor goes, five American soldiers were killed for five Iranians taken; Karbala was an IRGC message to release its colleagues — or else. The speculation that Karbala was an IRGC operation may have as much to do with Iraqis' respect for IRGC capacity for revenge as it does with the truth. Nevertheless, we should count on the IRGC gearing up for a fight. And we shouldn't underestimate its capacities. Aside from arming the opposition, the IRGC is capable of doing serious damage to our logistics lines. I called up an American contractor in Baghdad who runs convoys from Kuwait every day and asked him just how much damage."Let me put it this way,"he said."In Basra today the currency is the Iranian toman, not the Iraqi dinar."He said his convoys now are forced to pay a 40% surcharge to Shi'a militias and Iraqi police in the south, many of whom are affiliated with IRGC."

This screams of a false-flag operation. It has smelled fishy from the beginning. Soliders, speaking english, in American uniforms, driving American vehicles enter an American compound and, at first reported, kill American soldiers and leave unchallenged through the front door. Follow up reporting (after the absurdity of the initial story was questioned) showed the Americans were not, in fact, killed at the post, but kidnapped by the American "imposters" in a "Trojan Horse" ambush and killed in a neighboring province.

Here's an easy question. Which military has english speaking soliders, arms, vehicles and access to high security areas in Iraq? Answer: the American military. End of story. This event stinks now more than it did last week. Stay tuned.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Neocon War Profiteers: Blackwater USA

...And what’s really frightening is that you have a man in Erik Prince, who is a neo-crusader, a Christian supremacist, who has been given over a half a billion dollars in federal contracts, and that's not to mention his black contracts, his secret contracts, his contracts with foreign friendly governments like Jordan. This is a man who espouses Christian supremacy, and he has been given, essentially, allowed to create a private army to defend Christendom around the world against secularists and Muslims and others, and has really been brought into the fold. He refers to Blackwater as the sort of FedEx of the Pentagon. He says if you really want a package to get somewhere, do you go with the postal service or do you go with FedEx? This is how these people view themselves. And it embodies everything that President Eisenhower prophesied would happen with the rise of an unchecked military-industrial complex. You have it all in Blackwater."

This group is about as shadowy as it gets. I hope.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Tell Your Congressperson to Pass HR 508!

End the Iraq War sponsored by Lynn Woolsey (D-CA).

Vienna Actionist Adolph Frohner Dies at 72,0,2594203.story?coll=sfla-news-obituaries

"Mr. Frohner, who once walled himself in behind brick and mortar for three days to explore what it meant to be an isolated observer, died suddenly of natural causes, public broadcaster ORF said.

Details of his illness were not disclosed.

His death came only five days after he ceremoniously broke ground on the Frohner Forum, a new museum being built in his name in the Danube River town of Krems, 40 miles west of Vienna, ORF said. It said the gallery would open later in the year as planned."

The Vienna Actionists

Friday, January 26, 2007

Right Wing Countdown Clock for War With Iran

Brought to you by John Pike et. al. and his fearmongers, war profiteers and other neoCONS at

Cleary the neocons embolden the enemy. History will show just how wrong they were, and how complicit we are.

Nonlethal Weapons: A Primer In Honor of the Army's New Ray Gun

INSS Occasional Paper 15, USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, Colorado, (1997?)

My faves are the "Hologram Prophet - The projection of the image of an ancient god over an enemy capitol whose public communications have been seized and used against it in a massive psychological operation," and "Polysound - Acoustic, High Intensity Sound . Loud music was used by American forces to drive Manual Norriega (sic) from the Vatican Embassy in Panama in 1990. Also known as polysound." Cool names, yes?
We used Styx Polysound to drive Noriega nuts, now he's ready to get out of prison and get back to work (whatever that is).

Video From Haifa Street Battle

Whole Lotta Disinfo Goin' On

Troops Died After, Not In, Sneak Attack

"Contrary to U.S. military statements, four U.S. soldiers did not die repelling a sneak attack at the governor's office in the Shiite holy city of Karbala last week. New information obtained by The Associated Press shows they were abducted and found dead or dying as far as 25 miles away.
The brazen assault 50 miles south of Baghdad was launched Jan. 20 by a group of nine to 12 militants. They traveled in black GMC Suburban vehicles - the type used by U.S. government convoys, had American weapons, wore new U.S. military combat fatigues and spoke English.
In a written statement, the U.S. command reported at the time that five soldiers were killed while "repelling the attack." Two senior U.S. military officials as well as Iraqi officials now say three of them were found dead and one mortally wounded in locations as far as 25 miles east of the governor's office."

I knew something smelled fishy with this story.

Are We Leveling Civilian High Rises in Baghdad?

"Iraqi and U.S. troops battling militants along Baghdad's volatile Haifa Street on Wednesday killed at least 30 insurgents and detained 35, according to an Iraqi Defense Ministry spokesman.

The battle on Haifa Street went on for eight hours, as U.S. and Iraqi forces fought to regain control of the mainly Sunni area, which Iraqi officials have described in the past as full of "terrorist hideouts."

I watched the Arwa Damon "embedded" report on CNN Wednesday showing a civilian high rise apartment building on Haifa street used as a hiding spot for insurgents battling U.S. forces first engaged in an hours-long firefight with troops and Apache helicopters, then being leveled to rubble by a missile. I never heard or saw another thing about the story. Watch the video. I think we are toppling towers to get to snipers.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Thursday night, HBO, "Friends of God" an Alexandra Pelosi film.

The estimated 50 to 80 million evangelical Christians living in America today have become a formidable force in our culture and democracy. But the evangelical movement is a big tent. To try and get a better understanding of the range and diversity of this community, intrepid filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi hit the road to meet some evangelicals and learn about what their influence may mean for the future of the country.

Don't miss this film. By the way, "Jesus Camp" comes out on DVD tomorrow. Must see movies for ALL.

China looks for new ways to spend US $1 trillion in foreign reserves

China has finally decided to diversify disposal of its huge yet steadily growing foreign-exchange reserve by investing in overseas markets, a dramatic departure from its current practice of putting most of its eggs into one basket - US Treasury bonds. The decision was made at the all-important Central Conference on Financial Affairs, which ended on Saturday. A state-owned company will be set up to invest the Asian powerhouse's US$1 trillion foreign-exchange reserve in overseas markets.

I have some swamp land here in Florida to sell you, Premier.

Right on Cue - Al Qaeda No. 2 tape appears!

Al Qaeda's deputy leader mocked U.S. President Bush's plan to send 21,000 more troops to Iraq, challenging him to send "the entire army" and vowing insurgents will defeat them in a new videotape, a U.S. group that tracks al Qaeda messages said Monday.
The Washington-based SITE Institute said it had intercepted the video from Ayman al-Zawahri, which had not yet been posted on Islamic militant Web sites, where his messages are usually posted. SITE did not elaborate on how it received the message.
Al-Zawahri said the U.S. strategy for Iraq, outlined by Bush in a January 9 speech, was doomed to fail.
"I ask him, why send 20,000 (troops) only -- why not send 50 or 100 thousand? Aren't you aware that the dogs of Iraq are pining for your troops' dead bodies?" al-Zawahri said in an excerpt of the video released by SITE.
"So send your entire army to be annihilated at the hands of the mujahedeen (holy warriors) to free the world from your evil," he said, "because Iraq, land of the Caliphate and Jihad, is able to bury ten armies like yours, with Allah's help and power."
The video showed al-Zawahri, wearing a white turban, in front of a black backdrop.
The message was the first reaction from al Qaeda's leadership to the new Iraq strategy. The U.S. has said the extra troops aim to crack down on al Qaeda fighters and other Sunni Arab insurgents in Iraq, as well as Shiite militiamen blamed in the country's spiraling sectarian violence.

Why can't we find these production studios, trace the IP addresses or locate the PR firm these guys use? Right on cue, though, the day before the SOTU address.

Neocon watch: Richard Perle

U.S. will attack if Iran obatins nukes - Haaretz

President George Bush will order an attack on Iran if it becomes clear to him that Iran is set to acquire nuclear weapons capabilities while he is still in office, Richard Perle told the Herzliya Conference on Sunday. Perle is close to the Bush administration, particularly to Vice President Richard Cheney.

The leading neoconservative and fellow at the American Enterprise Institute addressed the session on Iran's nuclear program. He said that the present policy of attempting to impose sanctions on Iran will not cause it to abandon its nuclear aspirations, and unless stopped the country will become a nuclear power.

AEI and the neonuts have been WRONG on everything. They should be shunned and treated to a jail cell.

War News for Monday January 22, 2007

On the karbala "trojan Horse" raid:
On Saturday, a civil affairs team of American soldiers sat with local leaders in Karbala's provincial headquarters to discuss security for Ashoura, a Shiite commemoration of the massacre of the revered Imam Hussein that began Sunday.
Outside, danger was approaching. A convoy of seven white GMC Suburbans sped toward the building, breezing through checkpoints, with the men wearing American and Iraqi military uniforms and flashing American ID cards, Iraqi officials said. The force stopped at the police directorate in Karbala and took weapons but gave no reason, said police spokesman Capt. Muthana Ahmed in Babel province.
A call was made to the provincial headquarters to inform them an American convoy was on its way, said the governor of Karbala, Akeel al-Khazaali. But the Americans stationed inside the building, which acts as a coordination center for Iraqi officials, Iraqi security forces and U.S. forces, had not been informed, Iraqi officials said.
As the U.S. soldiers and the Iraqis scrambled to figure out if the men were Americans or an illegally armed group, the convoy arrived and the gunmen tried to break in.
The gunmen launched grenades, mortars and small arms fire, according to a U.S. military statement. The U.S. military said Sunday it was still not clear if the gunmen were Sunni or Shiite militia. Abu Abdullah, a commander in Karbala of the Mahdi Army, the militia led by firebrand Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, on Sunday denied involvement in the attack.
After 15 minutes of fighting, the gunmen fled towards Hilla, the capital of Babel, a mixed Sunni-Shiite province, Ahmed said.
Babel police were notified as the convoy sped toward their capital city, and Iraqi police commandos gave chase. The police commandos discovered the vehicles and found three dead men inside, a wounded man and five others, Ahmed said. He said they all spoke English. Iraqi police took the men back to the police station and American forces retrieved them by dawn.
Also inside the vehicles, Iraqi police found a bag filled with American military uniforms. They also found flak vests, American weapons and American ID cards that had allowed the gunmen to maneuver through the city, Ahmed said."

Fighting us with fake ID's (which any teenager can make) fake uniforms (readily available) black SUV's (car lot) shaves and haircuts (come on) and maybe blue contact lenses.

Letter from Bill Clinton on new McAuliffe book

Dear Friend,

Former Chairman Terry McAuliffe has a new book about his years in Democratic politics. What a Party!: My Life Among Democrats: Presidents, Candidates, Donors, Activists, Alligators, and Other Wild Animals is a fascinating, hilarious, and provocative look at the life of one of Washington's legendary figures. From wrestling an alligator to running the Democratic National Committee to his friendship with President Clinton, Chairman McAuliffe's wonderful memoir covers it all and is the political book of the year.

What a Party! will be fully released in stores all across the country on Tuesday, January 23, 2007, though it is currently available in select cities right now. The book is also available for purchase now at

Chairman McAuliffe will be appearing on local and national TV and radio to spread the word about What a Party!, as well as doing a book tour in select cities -- including yours. He'll be in New York City at Barnes & Noble at Union Square on January 24 at 7 PM.

"I thought I knew Terry McAuliffe as well as anyone, but this time he surprised even me. Who knew Terry could sit still long enough to give us a book this good? What a Party! is a must-read for all of us who love politics, believe in public service, and know that laughter is often the best survival strategy." -- President Bill Clinton

Neocon Watch: Kristol

Kristol On War Critics: ‘It’s So Irresponsible That They Can’t Be Quiet For Six Or Nine Months’

The Neocons have been wrong on everything so far. I'd rather hear a talk show psychic than Bull Kristol - at least they MAY have credibility.

At least 78 dead in suicide bombing

At least 78 people were killed and more than 150 wounded Monday after two nearly simultaneous bombs struck a predominantly Shiite commercial area in central Baghdad in the deadliest attack in two months, officials said. The U.S. military reported the deaths of two Marines in a particularly bloody weekend for American forces in Iraq. Monday's first blast, a parked car bomb, tore through stalls of vendors peddling DVDs and secondhand clothes shortly after noon in the Bab al-Sharqi market between Tayaran and Tahrir squares — one of the busiest parts of Baghdad. Seconds later, a suicide car bomber drove into the crowd. Police estimated that each car was loaded with nearly 220 pounds of explosives"

Where's the story about the disguised sucide bombers reported this a.m. on CNN? They reported that five American servicemen were killed, and now I can't find the story...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Global Disaster Watch. For the cynics.

Warnings and updates for:
drought, earthquakes, flooding, hurricanes, landslides, meteor
showers, severe weather warnings, solar flares, tsunamis,
volcanoes, wildfires, plus disaster archives and record-breaking

And here:

USGS Natural Hazard Support System. Click on "Launch Viewer"

Troop Escalation Begins

3000 U.S. troops arrive in Baghdad to support "Clear and Hold" strategy

"More than 3,000 US troops have arrived in Baghdad, the first deployment of extra forces promised for the Iraqi capital by US President George W Bush. As the deployment began, the US military said four soldiers and one marine had been killed in the restive western province of Anbar. It took to 22 the number of US deaths in Iraq on Saturday - one of the worst days for US troops since the invasion. In the lastest violence in Baghdad seven people were killed in two blasts."

Er, excuse me, shouldn't they be going the OTHER way?

$1 million for a Florida trailer, and they're whining!,0,3417367.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines

"Save Briny -- Vote No," the buttons urge.

"They think they won the lottery and I'm trying to take it away from them," Byrne, 68, said, sitting on his front porch across from his fishing boat. "I did not want to sell because I love this place. This is my home. I wanted to go out of here feet-first."

Closing on the sale is not scheduled until, at the earliest, March 2009, giving Byrne and other Brinyites more than two years to prepare for a move -- and to wait for their payoffs, which are calculated by the size and location of their lots.

Byrne stands to get just more than $1 million for the canal-front property he bought sight unseen for $30,000 a quarter-century ago. He concedes that "a consolation prize of a million bucks isn't bad." But he still hopes the deal will be derailed by restrictions on zoning and density or protests from neighboring communities."

Who lives in a trailer that WOULDN'T sell for $1 million?!

Why do Blackhawks go DOWN so often?

More Americans die in the sands of the Middle East

January 20, 2007
"Four U.S. soldiers and a Marine were killed Saturday during combat in Anbar, the Sunni insurgent stronghold west of Baghdad, the military said. A roadside bomb also struck a security patrol northeast of Baghdad, killing one soldier.
Saturday's carnage also included 12 soldiers killed in a Blackhawk helicopter crash northeast of Baghdad, five killed in a militant attack in the holy Shiite city of Karbala and two others slain elsewhere in roadside bombings."

It's time to go back down the memory hole and learn how many Blackhawk crashes have occured since the start of OIL?

Under reported news since the New Year

Another Russian dead in London

"Russian prosecutors plan to ask British police to check their suspicions that a co-founder of ruined Russian oil giant Yukos was killed in London, Russian news agencies reported on Monday...
Golubev was one of the main witnesses in an investigation into a number of Yukos officials in what critics said was a Kremlin campaign against Khodorkovsky, a vocal critic of President Vladimir Putin's leadership."

Bush Seizes Control of State Militias

"Over objections from all 50 governors, Congress in October changed the 200-year-old Insurrection Act to empower the hand of the president in future stateside emergencies. In a letter to Congress, the governors called the change "a dramatic expansion of federal authority during natural disasters that could cause confusion in the command-and-control of the National Guard and interfere with states' ability to respond to natural disasters within their borders."

Cubans protest FOR terrorist in Miami

"An anti-Castro Cuban activist throws a megaphone at a Castro supporter (L) during a protest to support Luis Posada Carriles in Little Havana, Miami January 19, 2007. Cuba said on January 15 the United States should indict Carriles, a militant anti-Castro exile accused in the bombing of a Cuban airliner, for terrorism instead of minor immigration charges. The Cuban Foreign Ministry accused the U.S. government of protecting the former CIA operative from extradition to Venezuela to face charges of masterminding the bombing of a Cuban airliner in 1976."

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