Sunday, January 21, 2007

$1 million for a Florida trailer, and they're whining!,0,3417367.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines

"Save Briny -- Vote No," the buttons urge.

"They think they won the lottery and I'm trying to take it away from them," Byrne, 68, said, sitting on his front porch across from his fishing boat. "I did not want to sell because I love this place. This is my home. I wanted to go out of here feet-first."

Closing on the sale is not scheduled until, at the earliest, March 2009, giving Byrne and other Brinyites more than two years to prepare for a move -- and to wait for their payoffs, which are calculated by the size and location of their lots.

Byrne stands to get just more than $1 million for the canal-front property he bought sight unseen for $30,000 a quarter-century ago. He concedes that "a consolation prize of a million bucks isn't bad." But he still hopes the deal will be derailed by restrictions on zoning and density or protests from neighboring communities."

Who lives in a trailer that WOULDN'T sell for $1 million?!

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