Wednesday, January 31, 2007

South Florida To Get Voting Paper Trail!

Thank you Representative Wexler and Governor Crist!,0,7995759.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines

"Gov. Charlie Crist wants to scrap the controversial touch-screen voting machines used in Broward, Palm Beach and 13 other counties and replace them with optical scanners that would count paper ballots. "It's important to make sure people have confidence in our voting system. We all remember 2000. That's why this issue is so important. What could be more important to democracy than ensuring the integrity of our elective process? It's at the very foundation of it all. You go to an ATM machine, you get some kind of a record. You go to the gas station, you get a record. If there's a need for a recount, it's important to have something to count," the governor said Wednesday morning at a gathering of Florida newspaper editors and reporters."

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